Thursday, November 5, 2020

A New Promo Piece!

 We have to make adjustment for the current state of our world right now, and much of that means how we promote our talents to art buyers. I used to prefer to send out postcards to businesses but now most are working remotely and prefer email. So, I crafted this mailer to send out to everyone, just as I would have done on a postcard. 

I also included a few process videos I made for my students at Montclair University, to show them a paint rolling technique I learned from one of my mentors. First, I do the drawing digitally and print it on watercolor paper. Then, I mix acrylic paint with clear gesso and roll the paint over the drawing. When it's dry, I begin going over it with colored pencil. The clear gesso allows the paper to become like sandpaper and picks up the colored pencil easier, and with added texture. 

Artists and Writers Beware of this Scammer!!

 Wow this just happened to me.  They were asking for 5 illustrations at $650 per illustration. Sounded pretty good but I was still weary of ...